November 4, 2024
雅思作文真题直击 | | 栏目推送说明
The values that we learn from our parents and family have a greater influence on our future success than any knowledge and skills we learn at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Today we consider that one’s futureattainmentsare generally dictated by how well their parents and familymoldthemmorally and ethically. Yet we are still unable to decide whether this upbringingfall under the sway ofknowledges gained by study in school.
不太常见的月日雅思词汇(less common lexical items):
❖ attainments 成就n.
❖ mold 塑造v.
❖ morally and ethically 从道德和伦理层面
❖ upbringing 养育方式
❖ fall under the sway of 受到影响/被支配
Body paragraph 1
A clutch ofstudies show that one’s family belief inseven sins—pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth—contributes to greater odds of one’sacademic and sporting prowessthan a morelaissez-faireapproach. Values cannot be taught in avacuum; observing behaviors of parents andsiblings leaves a permanent dentin one’s lifetime, which explains why they in later adulthoodgravitate towardspeople with shared golden rules. But whether this recognitive formation in early years couldtake hold hinges onone’s formal education in school days, wherebeing inclusiveand beingeruditeare emphasized as key qualities to be cultivated. Training ofevidence-basedthinking patterns helps todispel ingrainedfamily prejudices and superstitions, while studying in an interdisciplinary approach allows for moreperspectives and tenacityinnavigatingchaos rather thancoweringas one is raised.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
❖ A clutch of 一组/一系列的
❖ academic and sporting prowess 学术以及运动方面的出色表现
❖ seven sins-- pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth七宗罪在基督教教义中,七宗罪(也被称为死罪或枢机罪)是对主要罪恶的一种分类。根据标准的名单,基督教的七宗罪是骄傲、贪婪、愤怒、嫉妒、欲望、暴食和懒惰。
❖ laissez-faire adj. 自由放任的;放任主义的
❖ vacuum 真空n.
❖ siblings 兄弟姐妹
❖ leaves a permanent dent 留下永久的印记
❖ gravitate towards 被吸引或朝着某物或某人的方向移动:指被吸引或倾向于朝着某个人或某个事物的方向移动。
❖ take hold 生效,确立,流行:开始产生显著影响或效果;
❖ hinges on 取决于
❖ inclusive adj. 包容广阔的;对外开放的
❖ erudite 博学多才的
❖ evidence-based 基于证据的
❖ dispel 驱散(感觉或信仰)v.
❖ ingrained 根深蒂固的
❖ tenacity 坚韧n.
❖ navigate 导航/航行/处理v.
❖ cower 退缩/蜷缩v.
Body paragraph 2
My belief is that there is no one keyindicatorin predicting whether one will be grown successful or not. Instead,golden rules instilledby parents are interactingconstantlywith knowledgesimpartedby teachers. It is theinterplaythatbraces oneself for uncharted territoryin either personal relationships, academic challenges or professional development. The lack ofmoral compass, in combination withnarrow scope of knowledge, will in all probability lead tofalteringpersonal growth, includingimpulsiveness, emotion-driven decisions, andpoor self-regulation. If this were not true, then we could predict all children fromdysfunctional familymay end up being losers in life. However, this theory isconfoundedby the numerous accounts ofvisionariesandbusinesspeoplewho overcame a family dilemma andprospered.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
❖ indicator 指标n.
❖ golden rules 黄金法则
❖ instill 灌输v.
❖ constantly 不断地adv.
❖ impart v. 传授,告知;赋予,给予
❖ interplay n.相互影响/相互作用
❖ braces oneself for 为……做好准备:意味着为即将发生的困难、挑战或不愉快的事情做好心理和情绪上的准备。
❖ uncharted territory 未知领域:一个新的、未被探索过的领域或区域。
❖ moral compass道德准则:一套帮助指导道德决策、判断和行为的信念或价值观,内在的对错感觉。
❖ narrow scope of knowledge 狭窄的知识面
❖ faltering 衰落的adj.
❖ impulsiveness 冲动n.
❖ emotion-driven decisions 由情绪主导的决定
❖ poor self-regulation 匮乏的自我管理
❖ dysfunctional family 不正常的家庭:指家庭成员之间存在着不健康、不和谐、不稳定的关系,可能会导致家庭成员的心理和行为问题。
❖ visionaries 愿景者
❖ businesspeople 商人/企业家
❖ confound
❖ prosper 繁荣/成功v.
In conclusion, denying the interaction between family values and school knowledges isakin todenying the evolution theory, whichascertainsthat it is too absurd to reckon human asimmutable.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
❖ akin to 如同/类似
❖ ascertain 确认/裁定
❖ immutable 不可改变的adj.
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